Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Twitter Tips -- how to get people to follow you

So you've followed some people on Twitter, and now you're hoping they'll follow you back.  I've got some ideas that could help to make that happen.

1.)  Tweet about more than just your shop.  If all your tweets are buy buy buy, unless you're Jim Cramer, people are might get bored pretty quick. Interacting with people is enjoyable, there are a lot of wonderful Tweeples, give yourself the joy of meeting some of them. :)

2.) Retweet other people's tweets that you find interesting.  It shows that you're not just on Twitter for what you can get, but that you're also interesting in helping others.  Good in life, and also on Twitter. :)

3.) Thank people for RT's.  It only takes a minute, and it's polite and friendly.  If I RT somebody a couple times with no response, I learn my lesson, and stop RTing them.  RT's are helpful because they get sent to all your followers, and also the followers of the person who was kind enough to RT, potentially resulting in a lot of new people reading your tweet.
4.)I know there's a lot of opinions out there on this one, but I almost never DM, or direct message.  If I'm tweeting with someone and want to make it more private, I'll DM, that's about it.  I almost never read the DM's because they could be scams or what's worse, a virus.

And here's my Twitter pet peeve, people who put up quote after quote after quote, especially when the people they attribute the quote to aren't the ones who actually said it.    "Dance as if nobody who could commit you is watching ~ Mark Twain"   Funny, I agree, but not something Mr. Twain ever said.

Please leave a comment, and be sure to add your own tips, I'd love to hear from you!

Here's today's mystery photo.  I have no idea who the gentleman in the photo is, he just walked by as I was taking the shot.  The question is -- where was this photo taken?  Here's a hint, it wasn't anywhere in Europe.

Extra hint, it was taken in southern California. :)


PoetessWug said...

Great tips! I would only add "BE SINCERE"! I hate it when I'm being schmoozed. And I usually can tell too!! Just be sincere enough to tweet and RT things you like and know about. I figure 'If I don't like it, why be dishonest in my comments about it?' You can always say 'A lot of people would really like....thus and such....'. As to the photo, again I have NO idea! Wild guess? Sturbridge Village Massachusetts! :-)

DalkullanJewelry said...

PoetessWug, thanks for your comment! Very true, it's much better to be sincere. Excellent point!

Sorry, but your guess on the photo is wrong. It's pretty tough, here's another hint -- it was taken in California.

Angela said...

I don't know if its fair for me to guess, since I think I was there when you took this picture - but Disneyland!!!

<3 and hugs from So Cal!!

DalkullanJewelry said...

Thanks for your correct answer Angela! I was starting to think this one was just too hard. It is pretty strange, a thatched cottage in California.
Love & hugs to you too! :)